Duda estudo nu do destino
set 1024 pix - nude study of destiny by Uli Schaarschmidt Munich - pastel 21x26 cm - Aktstudie ueber Schicksal, Palmsonntag, Domingo de Ramos 2021
Duda estudo nu do destino. Todos transportam consigo os seus traumas, não só indivíduos, mas também grupos e países; Alemanha e Portugal de qualquer forma.—Aktstudie Schicksal 2021. Alle tragen ihre Traumas mit sich herum, nicht nur einzelne, auch Gruppen und Länder; Deutschland und Portugal sowieso.—"When the fickle finger of fate points at you, all roads lead to the same place", once Stephen King said. Everyone carries their traumas with them, not only individuals, but also groups and countries; Germany and Portugal anyway.
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